Sunday, January 20, 2008

The icy beerpumps

If you think IKEA stuff is made in Sweden, think again!

Yesterday we bought this.. well, cupboard I guess. This is the contents of the package.

DIY to me is like what cooking is to others. We bought these legs seperate at Bunnings. So I mixed in a bit of this...

... and it turned into this. And as with cooking, sometimes it goes right, and sometimes it goes wrong. We were lucky this time and very happy with the result!

For Stephen M. and Nantko: "BEATLES".

In the afternoon we met Stephen for a bite and a beer. We went to the first Irish pub I went to in Adelaide about 7 years ago, Finn MacCool's. You can look up the name, he was an actual figure in Irish mythology. Well, I think it was mythology...

Inside something changed and amazed me incredibly. They had new beerpumps installed. To keep the beer really cool (quite a neccesity in this country) the beerlines go through a big pipe or casing. This big pipe or casing has a coolant flowing through it to cool the beer all the way to the tap. It actually creates a 1cm thick layer of ice around the pump!!!!

I was absolutely stunned by this. I think the bartender now thinks I'm nuts...

The Guinness pump has a thick white coat of ice on it. Unreal!

Kilkenny as well, but a little less.

Nicole and Stephen.

My pint. All mine. I have to have a pint every now and then. It's my favourite way to meet friends, sitting behind a lovely pint.

We're hunting for free, public tenniscourts these days. These ones are not free but they look nice.


Anonymous said...

Leuk kastje van de Ikea!

Sneezer said...

i would be happy with ice IN my drink. not a square to spare.

Nicole said...

SUZANNE - Remember the "Got Milk?" ads? They need to start some in Holland with "Got Ice?"!

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Dank je. Maximaal resultaat met minimale investering :-)

@ Sn33Z0r: Does it happen -that- often that you don't get ice in your drink? I can't recall many times not getting ice really. I know you guys had 1 really sad experience but that was not normal, even for Dutch standards.

Anonymous said...

Duh.. a lot of the IKEA content of my house is actually (to my surprise) Made in Sweden.

Isn't Pölånd a town in Sweden?

Vincent said...

@ Mic: Haha, yeah, that would be funny. Hmmm, I've seen more stuff that's made in Poland at IKEA though. Actually haven't seen anything made in Sweden. Maybe Poland makes stuff for overseas export or something...