Friday, February 15, 2008

The drawers

Today the remaining cd's of one of my favourite Dutch band "Het Goede Doel" were delivered. Very pleased with

Then we went on our way to the central market. Spotted this building stashed away somewhere.

On the way back home we passed this church.

It's St. Peters cathedral.

At the Central market there's a stall that sells lots of imported stuff including Dutch "vlokken". I also had a "kaneelstok" but that was finished long before I realised I should've taken a photo. (= within 10 minutes after leaving the car park)

At home the drawers are now almost finished.

They can be used already but the fronts still need to be made.

1 comment:

marian said...

mooi gemaakt die kast, doe die kaneelstok je niet denken aan die grote kraam met kaneel en zuurstokken op de alkmaarse kermis!!
mooi weekend, gr, ma en pa.