Saturday, March 22, 2008

The chauffeur

Lady Nicole had a chauffeur today. I drove her around the shops.

Woolies first. Because tomorrow is Easter it was very busy.

Then we drove to some chinese shop hunting for cous cous. I waited in the car enjoying this stunning view.

Because there was no cous cous we drove to the Junction Market. It's a bit of a hole that hasn't seen any maintenance since the 70's I think. It has an awesome Buck Rogers pinball machine though.

It's clearly that they target a certain demographic here. Aparently they like really big pots...

...and religious figures.

Still no cous cous so I dropped Nicole off at the Afgan grocery store. They didn't have any either so we ended up at a Coles supermarket at the end of Prospect Road and hurray! Cous cous at last. And of course 40 minutes driving pour moi :-)

Then I walked Mason a bit coz I reckon he's getting bored here. He tried luring me into the park as usual.

At the curbs Mason knows to stop and sit down. He was looking up at me so I quickly wanted to snap a piccie. Of course he looks down right away.

I called him in an attempt to look up but he didn't.

I tried again but he just kept looking ahead, little bastard.

The view was atomic to say the least...

1 comment:

kees said...

Now I know where to throw away those hippos I've had in my fridge too long. This will give more space to the green fungi that's been living there too.