Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Henley beach

Today the temperature has dropped by about 10 degrees so I could walk Mason again. And boy was he happy to go.

There is this park that we walk past. He must associate such an open space with ball-play-time. Unfortunately for him it isn't the oval where Karin and Gavin take him. He always pauses at the gate in an attempt to lure me in. The only time we go in there is if I have a full bag of kaka by then that needs to be dumped and this field has the only bin on the route...

Mason doesn't care about this at all.

He sniffs and I look at the sky...

Ceasar was there again today, he was a very good boy too. Not one single bark.

In the afternoon I received a draft contract from my soon-to-be employer. As this means the end of doing interviews I was ready to celebrate so we went to Henley for some good ol' fsh n chps. I made pictures out of the car which turned out quite unexpected...

I know it's been hot the past 2 weeks but this hot...

At the beach it was nice and cool. We are happy to see those clouds. I better clean out the gutter tomorrow before we get rain. We don't get much usually but when we do... whoa.

Clouds over Henley square.

Nic staring into the distance.

We ate our fish and chips at the square. We always have lots of very good friends there (for about 15 minutes ;-)

And then we watched a bit of sunset whilst contemplating life on this side of the planet.


Gledwood said...

Hey I'm glad you finally got a soon-2b employer what's the job?

Seagulls: I once was severely patronized and laughed at by a room full of Australians in London for saying that seagulls were "huge" with a 4ft wingspan or even bigger... how they cawed and cackled at me saying I obviously had the wrong bird...

then these same Aussies went to the British seagulls and I got a postcard back conceding that the local herring gulls were indeed enormous birds so ha-haar!!

seems to be Aussie gulls (these were all Melbournites that laughed at me) were something like cockatoo-sized... is this the case?

ps why couldn't you take the dog out when it was hot? was the dog too weary to run very much?

Gledwood said...

"went to the British seagulls" ~ duh! I mean seaSIDE

and our big gulls are called herring gulls in English I'm sure you had the same ones in Holland

Anonymous said...

Hey Vinzzz,

Congrats on the new job to be.
When will you start working there?

I'm very glad for you, and will hang around here to read all about your adventures as a newbie Australian employee.

Toedels Joyce

Vincent said...

@ Gled: The job involved making software for the oil/gas/mining industry mainly. It's very exciting and I'll be learning some new things as well.

I couldn't walk Mason because it was 40C outside. Walking in the sun in that heat is not nice for me but also not for Mason except that he wouldn't care probably only to suffer consequences later. Instead we let him into our air conditioned flat.

I do know those big seagulls. They are beautiful birds.

Nicole said...

GLED - The less travelled Australians can be a bit "unaware" at times. I know the gulls you're talking about. They're quite common on Dutch beaches. They look like small albatross!

Vincent said...

@ Joyce: Hee hallo! Dank je :-) De startdatum is nog onbekend i.v.m. hun verhuizing naar een nieuw pand. Ik heb nog een paar weken vrij denk ik ;-)

Sneezer said...

groovey pics. i like the melty ones.

well done and congrats on your new job,

do you know that song by the Smiths

"I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows i'm miserable now." ...though I'm sure you not. :-)

Vincent said...

@ SW: Nah, that's a stupid song hehe. I know what they do and I know I will like that. This is a fantastic opportunity in many ways for me. One thing scares me though, I might have to start at 8:00 which I haven't done for like... 4 years hehe.