Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Uleybury winery

We were advised to visit the Uleybury winery by our friends Gianna and Greg so we gave it a go today. It's nicely located in the Adelaide hills.

It's a boutique winery that apart from their wine cellar also do lunches only on the weekends. It's run by an Italian family with which really you can't go wrong!

They have mainly pizza's on their menu with 3 non-pizza specials. The specials differ every weekend and depend on what amazing produce they can get. The pizza's get properly baked in a wood-oven.

The view from this place was beautiful.

You can see all the way to the sea.

We walked around a bit and found this pile of old barrels.

The sun shining through the trees was amazing. It was a pretty good day weather-wise.

We could see a bit of the vineyard too.

While driving home Richard called with some information on lawn bowls. He was playing himself, I couldn't because of my knee, I can't stand up very long. As it was on our way home we dropped by to say hi and have a look what was going on.

Well, Saturday bowls is 99% old people. So this little piece of nifty equipment is seen rather frequently. It's used to lift up a ball so they have to use their back even less ;-)

PS: These pictures were taken with a Nikon Coolpix 8800 camera instead of my phone.


Anonymous said...

Heb je zo'n last van je knie? Meer dan alleen de schaafwond?

Vincent said...

@ Ilse: Het was so wie so meer dan een schaafwond, er zaten redelijke sneëen in. Maar de pijn komt door de erg dikke korst die er nu op zit i.c.m. de plaats. De huid op je knie rekt normaliter nl. erg veel maar nu niet. Waarom het is als ik sta begrijp ik niet maar ik voel dat het door die korst komt...

kees said...

I wouldn't dare to call Nicole a pile of old barrels...

The quality of the Nikon photos is much better than of your phone. Keep using the Nikon!

marian said...

misschien zit er nog vuil onder de korst, je kan de korst voorzichtig los weken, en zien wat er onder zit, je moet voorzichtig zijn met zulke dingen vooral op de knie, omdat de huid daar steeds inbeweging is.
beterschap ma.

Vincent said...

@ Kees: Ga jij effe lekker zelf met een dikke vette Nikon rondlopen zeg ;-P

@ ma: Nee, de wond was schoon en is nog steeds schoon. Ik heb nergens last van verder, het geneest prachtig. De korst is al aan het krimpen zelfs en aan de randen laat ie al los. Als daar iets niet goed zat had ik het al lang al gemerkt.

Vincent said...

@ Gled: Howcome London always looks like ehmm.. so dreary? ;-)