Friday, May 30, 2008

Iron man

While driving to work we saw protesters. I think they were protesting against high petrol prices and/or petrol usage in general. Either way, they were doing the good thing by walking circles all day and not using petrol. They have been breathing a lot of unhealthy air though...

At my work I checked out source code for a new project I'm going to do. A step up from VS2003 to VS2005 now.

It was time for the monthly company lunch today. We walked about 10 minutes to get to Goucher street.

Very nice and this time we went to a Thai place called "Lime & lemon". Lovely food and definitely worth coming again.

Walking back I snapped some pictures. This is looking towards the old post office I believe (the tower).

This is the fountain on Victoria square. (Yes! 1 more day and it's officially winter. Can you tell yet?)

After Nicole picked me up we went to see the movie "Iron man". Very entertaining.


Anonymous said...

It seems that petrol is really a hot issue in Australia, huh..

Vincent said...

@ Mic: People here are getting a bit uneasy with current rises of the petrol prices. They better get used to it. It's the same every where in the world though I believe. The BBC News website reported about European protests today as well.

People have to understand that it's just a 'item' sold like clothing or food. If there isn't enough of it the price will go up. The government can't really do anything about it. If they lower the tax something else will have to get more expensive...

Anonymous said...

Peepz are demonstrating over here as well.
Just got back from the US, they keep on nagging about the rising gas prices there, they shut up the moment I told them the NL gas prices :)
