Sunday, May 18, 2008

Train - food - birds - flowers - train

After a second visit to Bunnings this morning to get new threaded steel rods (the first ones SUCKED) I drove us to Semaphore.

On the way we saw a gigantic ship being guided into the harbour and we stopped to have a look.

When we arrived at Semaphore we saw that the little steam train was operating well out of season. As we figured this must be especially for us we hopped on for a ride to the fort and back.

It drives along the beach.

At the end stop the locomotive has to turn around.

It's little but quite fast on it's own.

It's zooms past us...

... and it hooks up at the other end to pull us all the way back again.

There is a station but I wonder if anybody ever gets on or off here...

Back at Semaphore the same procedure is performed. Turning is done by hand.

The locomotive is called Bill. I wonder if the guy driving the loco is called "Ted"...

The anchor statue at Semaphore.

The seagulls at Semaphore.

Nicole at Semaphore.

When we came home I needed the big camera to take pictures for my other blog and I took a few snappies in the garden. Here's Ms. pigeon.

A little pink rose.

The same mandarins I posted yesterday or the day before but now photographed by a 'real' camera.

A big rose that Nicole featured on her blog recently.

Mr. Pigeon? You can never really tell...

Nicole made a delicious cottage pie tonight. Yuuuumm!

Most of my weekend was spent on making this: A model railroad spiral. It's a test before I start on the real thing. My trains (except a very little one) have no problems driving up this 3.8% incline so the test is very successful.


marian said...

grappig de spiral railway, hoe kom je op het idee??

kees said...

It doesn't matter if the traindriver's name is Ted; it's an excellent adventure anyway...

Vincent said...

@ ma: Het is maar een klein stukje van de uiteindelijke baan hoor. De spiraal is enkel bedoeld om de trein naar een ander niveau te brengen.

@ Kees: It sure was fun! Only 30 minutes. I bet ya that everybody we know here hasn't been on it.

Sneezer said...

what a difference a real camera makes.

love the train track, im sure you were inspired.

Vincent said...

@ Sn33z0r: "driven" is more the case than "inspired" I think.