Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The spaghetti girls

The setting sun coloured the skies in the evening. I was waiting for Nicole to come home later from her work.

When she arrived, we went next door to the Pasta pot to get some Italian food. They make really nice, low-fat food.

My favourite dinner drink.

The spaghetti girls were watching my every move...

The Pasta pot kitchen.


Gledwood said...

I scrupulously avoid spaghetti after unwittingly getting lumbered with it unable to slurp and not minded for forktwirling in a job interview type situation. never again!

Coca-Cola is surely the all-time beveragal masterpiece of humankind!

Friðvin said...

I love Coca-Cola but I buy one occasionally in the small (single-serving is the intention) plastic bottle, and just take a few sips after lunch each day. I can make that "single-serving" last for 4 days, maybe 5 if I'm really frugal.

It's really good after left-over pizza.

Vincent said...

@ Kona: Mate, after one day it won't have any more bubbles. That's yuuuuuuuck...

Friðvin said...

No but it does! I squeeze the air out as I'm twisting the cap on so it creates a vacuum, and it stays fizzy for at least 3 days! Obviously not as good as day one, but still fizzy.