Sunday, September 21, 2008

The blog dude

We went in to town this afternoon. But first we dropped Vicky off at the Croatian club. This is their main building.

In town there were two main attractions. One was the Rundle market where I was going to hunt down poffertjes. The other was was "Cheese fest". A cheese (mainly, but also some wine) festival. In this picture you see the start of the Rundle market.

This was the side of the park where there were no festivities. It looked beautiful although this picture doesn't really show. In the middle you can just see two people sitting in the grass. How fortunate are they.

Walking down the market, we found the poffertjes stand! I ordered my portion and the lady says "are you the blog dude?". That was funny. I checked and if you google for "poffertjes Adelaide Show" my blog shows up first. Very funny.

Anyway, the poffertjes were sensational again. I'm really glad to have them around. Thank you poffertjes lady! :-)

At cheese fest it was pretty busy. Too busy actually. As the cheese tasting was for free (entrance fee was $10) there were biiiig line-ups for the stands that actually had cheese left.

There was a band playing old time classics.

A bit more to the back people were just sitting in the grass with some wine and a cheese platter or whatever.

In a tent there were cooking shows, mainly with cheese.

We scored some absolutely cracking sauces made from native plants. I'm sure Nicole will have more about those on her blog.

Afterwards we sat down at Scoozi's for a small pizza and a drink.

These Akita pups walked past.

When we came home we made our bed using the new linen we bought on Friday. It looks good I think and it feels great. 100% cotton.

The linen is actually called "Dutch rose" and it looks like Delft blue.

I found this photo on Craigs blog the other day. It's explaining a disease called Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. I never really understood what it was. If you click the photo you'll see a larger version and you can actually read about it. It's a fascinating piece of medical information and it makes the disease totally understandable.

1 comment:

marian said...

mensen die veel met hun handen werken, ober, serveersters, schoonmakers hebben vaak last van het tunnel syndrome.poffertjes zien er goed uit!!