Saturday, November 22, 2008

The new neighbours

We had a busy day today, too busy for my liking. My mom and dad skyped us just before they were going to bed and we were going out the door.

We headed out for another visit to the Volkswagen dealer to discuss the price. Nine AM. You see, we have very good reason to think that their price is about 4000 dollar (about 1800 euro) too high. So we explained this. And he offered a lower price but not as low as we wanted. However, we think we might be able to strike a deal this week with a new offer and we are hoping to order the car next Sunday. We still don't know which colour to go for though. We know that a black one will take 3 to 5 months and we are doubting to get a red Beetle if that is faster.

If any of you guys happen to come across a red new Beetle and you're carrying a camera, please make a picture of it for us because every picture that you see online looks different and we have no real examples here.

Then at 10AM the house next door was auctioned and bought by Karin and Gavin who will become our new neighbours! It's a long time wish of Karin to live next door so she's very pleased with it.

I played with Mason a bit while his mom and dad were next door. He could hear them, and naturally wants to be with them (that's what dogs live for) but couldn't. So he was constantly crying. You can distract him from anything by showing him a ball so that helped.

Then, at one PM we had a dinner date with some of Nicole colleagues at the Uleybury winery which was a pleasant happening. From right to left: Rob, Nicole, Jenni and Maggie. There were a few more but they didn't make it on to my camera...

After this we went to the Croatian club where the Croatian food and wine festival was being held. A massive amount of people showed up.

There were a few big tents with lots of... food and wine.

There was a dance group from Melbourne.

With a bit of a band from Melbourne.

There was soft-serve ice cream.

And Vicky's dance group was performing too.

These are some of the dancers. They looked quite good.

They had to wait for the public to get off the dance floor though. They were dancing on the hypnotizing Croatian music.


kees said...

red VW beetles

marian said...

gefeliciteerd met de nieuwe buren!!

marian said...

leuke foto van nicole en Vicky, prachtige klederdracht, leuk dat ze dat nog steeds in eren houden.

Renate said...

I had a red beetle in the '70s but I doubt that is the type you're going after. Kees' link took me back to those days though.

Hope prices are better down under than up there. VW is one of the brands I haven't been affordable for more than a decade. Other brands here seem to offer better value for money.

Vincent said...

@ Kees: Thanks :-)

@ ma: Elk jaar dragen ze wat anders, maar het ziet er prachtig uit.

@ Renate: Those old ones are increasingly hard to find these days. The new Beetle costs about 14.000 euro drive-away here. In regards to the better value for money, we would have to define 'value' first then. I suspect that the cars you are referring to mainly come from Asia and have little to no character. The main reasons we're buying the 'volksy' are because I actually fit very well and it's very low diesel consumption.

Anonymous said...

Gaaf dat Karin en Gavin naast jullie komen wonen. Apart dat daar de huizenverkoop via veiling gaat.

Vincent said...

Het huis werd geveilt omdat een van de verkopers niet mentaal in staat is om iets zinnigs te zeggen in evt. onderhandelingen. Om dan tot een objectieve deal te komen wordt er geveilt.

Sneezer said...

you guys look great!