Tuesday, January 27, 2009


This is the official forecast for tomorrow. I hope I won't melt...


Anonymous said...

Kindly send some heat this way. This morning it was -20C.


Gledwood said...

That sounds rather inconvenient... and I thought Adelaide's climate was relatively MILD!!!!

Vincent said...

@ CB: Trust me, I would gladly offload half of the degrees to you if I could :-)

@ Gleds: Yeah well, welcome to climate change my friend :-)

Anonymous said...

If I can handle 43 in Texas, I'm sure you can handle 42 at home. I can't stand the heat either but I did survive.
Do they have as much AC in Australia as they do in the USA?


kees said...

The answer to life, the universe and everything! Now you'll know all the secrets!

Vincent said...

@ Jo: They do yeah. It's a neccesity. Like heaters in The NL.

@ Kees: I'm going to reach enlightened state today!

munchie said...

The forecast for Wednesday has been revised - it's now going to be 44C.