Saturday, October 10, 2009

Leaving Australia

This was actually the night before but I took it after doing my blog. I had never seen Mason jump on anybody before. It was just so funny. All he wanted was to give Nicole kissies (= lickies)

During the morning I took some last photos of the animals we have lived with while here. The pigeons of course. Noisy little bastards.

Sir Cocky-boy. I think he laughs like me. I love him very much. It is the only bird that i have ever seen that actually walks over to be patted.

I needed breakfast so I walked to the bakery. This is the video shop next door.

This is the St. Clements church. I do kind of regret that I lived there for two years but have never seen the inside. It's a beautiful little church.

When I came to the bakery - it was about 8AM - it was still closed. Typical.

I played with mason one last time. He has always been a very good boy around me.

Mason in his natural habitat.

We had lunch with Tony and Vicky.

This is where Nicole and I lived for nearly two years.

And then it was time to go to the airport. Driving down Prospect Road.

Checking in.

Our flight. Unfortunately the left one was for us...

One last ACE gelatti. I swear, I will make this myself one day.

Nicole's ex-colleague Heath and his daughter Ella came to say good bye to us at the airport.

Ready for departure.

To you, the reader, this may just seem the next photo, which is the luggage belt in Kuala Lumpur. But there was 8 hours if boredom, sore ass, whining and crying babies, annoying adults and some turbulance in between. Apart from that the flight was uneventful. Geetting out of the airport was an absolute breeze. So fast.

We hired a limo to drive us to the hotel. A limo here is an old Mercedes but it's a lot better than getting transported in a mini-van with 6 other people. Of course your hotel is always last on the list.

I liked how the taxi driver managed to stay in the middle lane very well, on the two lane roads...


marian said...

mason voelde dat er iets stond te gebeuren, denk ik.

Gledwood said...

I thought that cockatoo escaped, the swine! Did he fly back or something ...??!?

Vincent said...

@ Gled: This is a Galah bird. The coky that escaped was the white one. She was a Sulphur crested cokatoo.