Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Beef and green bean lunch

Early morning and the masses try to reach the other side of the street.

Lunch time. There's a Thai take away close by. Very decent food.

I don't have any plants on my desk yet so I made some artificial ones using Windows desktop pictures.

In the evening I worked on my design for a coffee table that is to harbour a model railroad one day. I think we're talking about at least 2 years from now ;-)


kees said...

The coffee table design should be in the Creative blog. How are we going to keep life organized when you make such a mess of it? Nice use of Google SketchUp, BTW.

Vincent said...

@ Kees: I posted it there as well. Hey, I'm allowed to cross-post on my own blogs ;-P

Shouldn't you be working in a library or something? ;-)

kees said...

My house is a library*. That's why I work somewhere else.

* a messy library...

Gledwood said...

The takeaways here are VERY MUCH by rote: (ie nearly every restaurant's menu is SAME SAME SAME!)... that dish does remind me a bit of Chinese beef green peppers black been sauce

one query: if I wanna buy beef ready-sliced to make something like that what do I ask for..???

Vincent said...

@ Gled: I would think "sliced beef" but I dunno really. Maybe Nicole is better at answering this.

But if you have a sharp knife you can just get a nice piece of lean meat at the supermarket and slice it yourself maybe?