Tuesday, June 10, 2008


A normal busy and grey morning. This is more like winter as I know it, unfortunately. I don't like it. It's not happy weather. I prefer happy weather.

Today I had my performance review at work. It's only been 6 or 7 weeks but still. It was a nice chat. The review was good. Performing exactly as expected and at certain points I was even (already after 6 weeks) exceeding expectations. It must've been the doughnuts I bring to work sometimes.

Back home the highlights from the soccer game Holland vs Italy was on.

That was a bit of a bonus because the game is on when I'm asleep: Around 3AM...

Trainer Marco van Basten looked a little bit scary I think.

Van Bronckhorst after he made the third goal.

The team was pretty happy.

And so were the fans.

Holland kicked Italy's arse with 3-0. Suits them right coz the Italians have always been very dirty players and I don't like them one bit.


kees said...

Congratulations on the good review!

You only need to give van Basten a toothbrush moustache and he'd look even scarier...

Anonymous said...

Hey wat goed! Jullie hebben het gezien:-)
Die portugezen... dat zijn pas smeerpijpen als het om schwalbes gaat!