Monday, June 9, 2008

DIY and laundrette action

I started the day with mounting a sensor light above our door. This will help us find the lock when we come home in the dark and we also have light automatically when we walk into the garden to go to the loo half asleep at night.

Then it was off to the laundrette to dry clothes that we had just washed. Usually we dry everything outside but a few things needed to be dry by tomorrow and the weather is crap so...

This is the washing machine section.

Washing machine section sign.

On the other wall there are dryers.

Dryer section sign.

Most machines take one dollar coins only so a change machine is quite handy.

And also there was a machine to get a cup of washing powder.

Nicole in front of the dryers.

There were signs all over the place. I don't think I've ever seen another place with so many signs everywhere.

Most machines were of a brand called "Speed queen".

When we came home from the laundry it was actually sunny for an hour or so and I used the opportunity to take a few shots of my finished wheel barrow.

At the end of the afternoon we drove into town to have dinner at the Lemongrass thai bistro. We were crossing the lights while walking into Rundle street around 17:30 and it was already dark. Just like in The NL!

Inside the restaurant.

Nicole thinking hard about what to order.

After dinner we had ice cream at Cibo where Nicole was singing along to Aretha Franklin.


Red lights on our way home.

1 comment:

Friðvin said...

Speed Queen always makes me think of some friends I had back in the 80s.
