Friday, June 13, 2008

More furniture and Thai food

Driving to work. Office people are marching in from all directions afar.

Lunch time was Thai time today. Good stuff. Their chicken sateh (made of FILLET instead of thigh meat (ergh)) looked quite nice. Might give that a shot next week.

After lunch I went down to the basement to look for a desk for the printers. As a bonus I found this little table to put in our "lunch corner". By the way, we WILL get decent furniture in soon (I was told)...

I collect the bottles for recycling. Just my own really. Just because I want to recycle them. Well, Karin will actually recycle them.


kees said...

why do you need Karin to recycle them for you?

Sneezer said...

doesn't your office recycle? what's up with that?

Vincent said...

@ Kees: I don't *need* her to recycle but she does it already anyway so why would I do it myself. She gets to keep the refunds and goes out for dinner with the money. Everybody happy I guess :-)

@ SW: Have you seen the pictures of our office? We don't even have furniture yet, let alone recycle bins...