Thursday, February 19, 2009


There was a small line-up at Cibo this morning. I don't like that because my milk gets warm while I wait...

I took this photo at Victoria Square. Quite a nice building that I hadn't really noticed before.

On my way home I stopped by Dick Smith where I bought a few Integrated Circuits (ICs). The guy there told me Dick Smith is stopping sales of electronic components. They're clearing out already. Sad. Especially because Dick Smith started his chain of shops with idea of providing electronic components to ordinary people for hobby use. They don't sell much these though. If you hear a kid say his hobby is electronics, these days that means he owns a play station...

I designed this small circuit but I'm not sure if it will work. The idea is that if IC1's (=D flip flop) Q goes high, transistor T2 will conduct for a small amount of time until the complete voltage from Q stands over C1 which shuts down T1. When Q goes 'low', C1 would discharge.

Would this work? Feedback welcome.


Anonymous said...

I would just buy a computer digital I/O card and do everything is software. It's easier.


kees said...

for more electronics parts shops in the area check out: shops

Vincent said...

@ CT: Easier for testing but eventually it has to be stand-alone...

@ Kees: Jaycar doesn't even come up in that list. I think those are electric equipment shops. Not parts like I need them.