Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I was out of coffee at work. I don't use the overpriced, maintenance hungry espresso maker so I have to get my own beans and get them grounded. While waiting I looked at some other coffee and my jaw dropped when I saw this. $135.00 for 500 GRAMS of coffee beans. And these are not even the ones that come out of a monkey's ass!

Oh, and get this. The girl serving me didn't know what half of 26 was. I couldn't believe it and I thought I misheard when she asked her colleague. But then when she told him the calculator was broken and she asked again I asked her what the problem was because her colleague was busy. She needed to know what half of 26 was. I told her 13 but I should've said 9.50. This girl was over 25 and she works a cash register...

At least I got my ground coffee. It was pretty alright.

I went to Victoria Square for lunch. Some company had their yearly 'sports' day there. They did all the 'fun' stuff. Like walking on planks with 4 people at the same time. ho-ho-ho.

They took over half the park. Intruders!

I like the Aboriginal flag (on the left) 1000x better than the Australian flag (on the right). It has so much more meaning to it. I don't like the union jack at all. It reminds me of English tourists trashing Amsterdam.

After work Nicole picked me up and on our way home we saw a car with the plate "YWALK" which phonetically sounds like "Why walk?". Nice one.

After a quick dinner at home we went to the beach. The water was a bit dirty and I didn't find my ring but it was nice nevertheless :-)

Nicole floating about.

Me under water.

Afterwards we sat on a little sand dune and watched the sun set while drying up.

Picking up the last rays of sun light for the day.

The light on the clouds was beautiful.

And cappuccino at Vili's afterwards :-)


marian said...

Ben jaloers op het weer daar nu, hier grijs, grijs en regen bah, lekker even zo'n duik na het werk.

Anonymous said...

And here I am in my wintercoat in cold, rainy, windy, grey Holland
:( You want to do a 'houseswap' so you guys come over here stay in my house and I stay in your place... :) Just for 2 weeks, I need SUN!!!

Back to reality.


Anonymous said...

Ja, hier is het rotweer! Leuk die onderwatercamera:-)

Vincent said...

@ ma: Ja, da's erg verfrissend. Maar aan een hap zout water wen je helaas nooit...

@ Jo: No house swapping, sorry ;-P

@ Ilse; Nog even volhouden, over 6 maanden is het weer twee weken zomer! :-)