Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My own meat tray!

I had breakfast at work. Thank god for delis that sell milk. Delis are called "Milk bars" in certain parts of Australia by the way.

When I left work the line-ups for the bus stops were gigantic. Un real.

I heard someone call me from a car while walking to my bus stop. It was Gianna and Greg! We didn't even have time for a decent hi / bye but I managed to get a photo in! :-)

I thought my bus would be packed but funnily enough it stayed rather empty the whole ride.

Bowls went well tonight. We played against nice people. We won 26-21. Here we see Gavin bowl.

Because one person was missing, Gav and I both did three shots instead of two.

It's great being able to bowl more than two times in one end.

The best thing was that during the break, I won a meat tray in the lottery! I reckon we'll have to crank up the bbq this weekend (and pray that we won't get food poisoning) :-)

On the way home it smelled smokey outside. Apparently there was a fire in the Adelaide hills this evening but it's 'contained' now thankfully. Scary shit.

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