Saturday, December 13, 2008

The anti-cleanfeed protest

Next Monday two colleagues and I will have a presentation of what we have achieved so far for them in the current project. Depending on this they will pay a certain amount of money. There's still a fair bit to do though due to unforeseen circumstances (= hardly any documentation because the client never wanted to pay for that) so I went in for a few hours today to do some administration and a bit of coding. Just a few little things that will make my life easier this Monday.

Nicole dropped me off and went shopping for Christmas cards. She returned with Christmas cards and... a new bag. I don't think men will ever understand this fascination for bags.

Then we went down to the food court for lunch. We got some Thai food. This time I asked for extra sauce which made it a lot nicer than last time.

After lunch, we walked over to parliament house for the protest. We passed this big building.

At parliament house we joined a protest against the plans of the Australian Government to implement a mandatory internet filter at all Australian ISPs. Unfortunately we just missed the speaker which must've been right at the start while we were still having lunch. We still joined for a good two hours.

Afterwards we walked back to Rundle street over North terrace. These funny stones are actually fountains. Very nicely done.

Different styles of architecture.


We had coffee and cake at Chocolat, in Rundle street.

Cake and Nicole, Nicole and cake. It was very nice but by then I was getting really exhausted. I just didn't have enough sleep this week and work isn't helping. I'm not feeling too good at the moment.

I played two games of poker in the evening. I won the second game which delivered me a whopping $4.50!

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