Sunday, December 7, 2008

The experiments

I studied all morning into the early afternoon. After this it was time for some excitement so I was going to conduct some experiments. First I wanted to test the little water pump I bought yesterday to find out how much power it needs to be useful. When attached to a 4 V power source it takes a current of 72 mA. This means it consumes 0.3 W and it will just do what I want it to do: pump water about 20 cm upwards. The smallest solar panel I could find actually produces 1 W of power so this pump will definitely rock. I will actually have to restrict power generated by the solar panel. Maybe I can use it for something else as well. Hmm...

Then it was time for lunch. I watched another Family guy episode. I love this cartoon, it's so funny.

I have some tiny solar panels left that I bought about 20 years ago. I took them into the garden to find out their power. Now these are very old cells so nothing spectacular came out of it: 0.47 V with a maximum current of 2 mA. Awesome, not :-)

In the late afternoon we went to Largs jetty to get some Fish and chips. We hadn't been there for ages. I also had a "Dutch croquette roll" also known as "Broodje kroket". The previous owner used to be Dutch and they kept the things he introduced. So if you order a cappuccino, you get a "speculaas" biscuit (apparently people do not say "cookie" here) with it.

Where I was throwing chips to the seagulls or hand feeding them, Nicole has more class and used a fork. Very funny.

We walked up the jetty where it was VERY windy.

The white stripes are sand being blown over the beach.

I wrote another letter about the Government's "Clean feed" internet censoring plans to my member for parliament Kate Ellis. At the least they are spending your tax money on something that's 100% useless and doomed to fail (and they should know!) and at the most they will censor and cripple your internet access. If you live in Australia and you have not taken any action against these plans, well, you obviously don't care about your rights and don't mind being stripped of some...


kees said...

You could use the 0.7 W to light up a LED or LEDs under the fountain.

Or load a battery so the fountain can work in the evening too.

Vincent said...

@ Kees: The idea is that the fountain reflects the day-night cycle. It starts at dawn and stops at dusk. So lights won't do much and operating it on batter power does neither. I do like the idea of the lights though.

Unknown said...

The protests against filtering the internet might have results, see here: and here:

kees said...

The reason Aussies say 'biscuit' is because they're basically English.

'Cookie' is a word the Americans took from the Dutch in New Amsterdam (New York).