Monday, December 8, 2008

A new spot for lunch

As we were leaving to work I quickly made a photo of these two little doves. They are about 1.5 months now I reckon. One of them was born somewhere else and seems to have taken the place of one that actually was born here. We have no idea where the other one is.

For lunch I walked to Victoria square again but all the benches with shade were taken apart from one that was just occupied by pigeons. I chased them off and sat there for two minutes but they kept walking and flying close to me. So I went and sat under a tree in the park.

It was actually much nicer under the tree on the grass.

You see that bench? That's where I sit sometimes unless it's too hot.

After work we went to PJ's. Because everybody decided to order at the same time it took very long for our food to come out. The nice barman came out and brought us free drinks worth $13 though.

Walking back to our little car we saw this tank. I mean, seriously...

This is the park inside the city opposite PJ's.


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